Field Trip – Blooming Pasque Flowers at the Freeport Prairie

Blooming Pasque Flowers at the Freeport Prairie

Tuesday, April 1, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Coordinator: Mary Blackmore 815-938-3204.

Join us as we admire one of the prairie’s harbingers of spring, the Pasque Flower. Unlike the crocus it resembles, a Pasque Flower, Anemone patens, is a member of the buttercup family. In early spring the plant sends up a flower stalk in advance of leaves so what you see are delicate pale violet blooms nestled in the muted tan tangle of last year’s prairie grasses. Come and see how Pasque Flower blooms actually move to track the sun.

The Freeport Prairie is an Illinois Nature Preserve located on Freeport’s south side.

NOTE: Meet in the preserve’s new parking area off of Meadows Dr., adjacent to the northwest corner of the prairie. Enter through the curb cut which will be flagged for better visibility. If the weather is questionable, call Mary.  If weather is questionable, call Mary.

Field Trip: Nicholas Conservatory

Nicholas Conservatory Field Trip
1354 N 2nd Street, Rockford, IL
Tuesday, February 18
10:00-11:30 a.m. (Carpool 9:15 a.m.)
Coordinator: Chris Kruger 815-238-9259

Take a break from winter! Join us for a tour of Illinois’ third largest conservatory. Located on the Rock River in Rockford, the facility offers tropical plants, water features, sculptures, and seating areas. The annual orchid exhibit includes hundreds of tropical orchids creatively arranged throughout the conservatory. Find more information at
Admission on Tropical Tuesdays is $5. Please bring cash so we can pay as a group. Carpool from Harbor Freight in Freeport at 9:15 am or meet us at the conservatory at 10 am. Expected return time to Freeport is 12:15 pm,
Call or text Chris Kruger at 815-238-9259 to sign up by February 10th. We will need 10-12 people for a guided tour. We can add more if you need to sign up after the 10th.

Field Trip – Open Land Birding

Open Land Birding

Saturday, January 11, 9:00 am to noon

Coordinator: Mary Blackmore 815-938-3204

Carpool from the Harbor-Freight lot in Freeport at 9:00 a.m.

We will carpool and cruise country roads in local areas that were historically prairie. Viewing will be done predominantly from the vehicles, using the cars as blinds, and communicating by radio. Typically, we’ll see several species – notably Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur and Horned Lark – on roadsides or in fields, often in abundance if there is adequate snow cover. Snowy Owls have been spotted in past years and last year
we were fortunate to observe a Northern Shrike. Other species we’ll search for include Rough-Legged Hawk and Merlin. Of course we’ll enjoy any bird we see, including our many year-round residents.
Please call Mary to confirm your attendance.

Field Trip – Open Land Birding

Open Land Birding

Thursday, January 30, 9:00 am to noon

Coordinator: Mary Blackmore 815-938-3204

Carpool from the Harbor-Freight lot in Freeport at 9:00 a.m.

We will carpool and cruise country roads in local areas that were historically prairie. Viewing will be done predominantly from the vehicles, using the cars as blinds, and communicating by radio. Typically, we’ll see several species – notably Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur and Horned Lark – on roadsides or in fields, often in abundance if there is adequate snow cover. Snowy Owls have been spotted in past years and last year
we were fortunate to observe a Northern Shrike. Other species we’ll search for include Rough-Legged Hawk and Merlin. Of course we’ll enjoy any bird we see, including our many year-round residents.
Please call Mary to confirm your attendance.

Field Trip – An Evening of Birding at Lost Mound

An Evening of Birding at Lost Mound

Friday, May 31, 5:30-9:30 p.m.

Coordinator: Mary Blackmore 815-938-3204

Carpool from the Forreston municipal lot on the south side of the village library along HWY 26 at 5:30 or meet the group in the parking area of the Fish and Wildlife office building (see directions below) at 6:30 p.m.

Join us as we travel along side sand prairies and sand savannas near the mighty Mississippi in search of birds in the Lost Mound Unit of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge just north of Savanna. Of primary interest will be the awesome courtship display of the Common Nighthawk, as well as vocalizations of both Eastern Whip-poor-wills and American Woodcocks. There will be enough time to observe many of the grassland species of songbirds as well.

Directions for meeting at Lost Mound: Turn left to enter the refuge off of HWY 84, about 9 miles north of Savanna. After crossing railroad tracks, drive up the hill to the intersection and turn right. Drive about .5 mile and turn left into the parking area. There is a restroom in the parking area.

We’ll car-caravan from the parking lot traveling the paved roads and do little or no walking. The timing sequence will be songbirds, Common Nighthawk, American Woodcock and at the end, Whip-poor-wills. If you want to leave the caravan for an earlier departure you may do so.

If the weather is questionable, call Mary.