Nieman’s Pond

A recreated pond, wetland and sometimes mud flats, east of Freeport off of HWY 20 on North Springfield Rd. Private property – stay on roadside. Bird presence much dependent upon water levels. Nesting Bald Eagle in trees along the Pecatonica River north of pond – visible from road.


Birds Found at this Site:

Spring Migrating Waterfowl/Waterbirds (Spring Migrating Waterfowl/Waterbirds)
Spring Migrating Shorebirds (Mid-April through Mid-May)
Fall Migrating Shorebirds (Mid-July through August)
Fall Migrating Waterfowl/Waterbirds (September through November)

Year-round resident species will be found at nearly every location. Visit to learn about the specific species of birds listed in each area.