Silver Creek Biodiversity Preserve
A 50 acre area that is mostly brushy woods, with 15 acres of recreated prairie plantings. A branch of Silver Creek flows through the north section. Off of Leaf River Rd. about 1 miles south of Leaf River. Park in (gravel) lot – some trails. One of the better birding areas is where trail goes north from west field down to the creek. Songbirds, especially warblers, attracted to streamside vegetation. Less common sightings include Red-headed Woodpeckers, Wood Thrush, Carolina Wren, Mourning Warbler. Over 102 species recorded. Be sure to observe boundary posts/signs to avoid 5-acre private property to the north of the parking area. Northwest Illinois Audubon Society preserve.

Birds Found at this Site:
Spring Migrating Songbirds (April and May)
Nesting Species (May through Mid-July)

Year-round resident species will be found at nearly every location. Visit to learn about the specific species of birds listed in each area.