Annual Midwest Crane Count

Annual Midwest Crane Count


Saturday, April 13 is the Annual Midwest Crane Count and Stephenson County has over 12 sites that are monitored each year as part of the Crane Count. Participants are on site from 5:30-7:30 am to listen and watch for cranes. It is a great way to participate in a citizen science project and enjoy the early morning sights and sounds.

Notify Teresa Smith at 815-238-3963 by April 3rd if you are interested in participating in this event.
Experienced and blossoming birders are encouraged to participate. No experience with crane counting is necessary! If you are new to the Crane Count you will be partnered with an experienced counter who can help you to learn more about cranes. Inexperienced counters can also learn more about cranes on the International Crane Count website

Individual preferences regarding carpooling will be accommodated. In past years, we have gathered together after the count to enjoy breakfast and sharing of crane stories, but have put this on hold the past 3 years. In 2024, we will plan to meet as a group after the count to share stories and turn in data sheets. Looking forward to hearing stories from the counters!