Field Trip – Listening to Amphibians at Elkhorn Creek

Listening to Amphibians at Elkhorn Creek

Wednesday, April 24, 6:30 p.m.

Coordinator: Mary Blackmore, 815-938-3204

Carpool from the Harbor Freight lot in Freeport at 6:00 p.m.

Join us at our Elkhorn Creek Biodiversity Preserve to listen to the spring advertisement calls of frogs and toads. While 6 species of amphibians have been identified at Elkhorn Creek over the years, our best chances are for hearing the rapid metallic clicks of the Western Chorus Frog and the long musical trill of the American Toad. We’ll walk near both wetland areas at the preserve that provide amphibian habitat.

Meet in the parking lot in the northeast corner of the preserve off of West Grove Rd. The preserve is located 3 miles southwest of Forreston in the SE corner of Freeport and West Grove Rds.

If weather is questionable, call Mary.

Bird Walk – Enjoy The Spring Migration!

Enjoy The Spring Migration!

April 27 – Newell Tract, Oakdale Nature Preserve, Freeport.

Some parts of the trail are steep and the ground can be uneven. Meet in the parking area of the Newell Tract, the part of Oakdale on the west side of Crane’s Grove Rd. Restrooms are available in the parking area.

Leader: Anne Straight (815-938-3263)

All of the walks will begin at 8 a.m. And conclude at 11 a.m. Feel free to join or depart the group anytime during those three hours. Those who wish to will gather for lunch afterwards at a nearby restaurant. If the weather is questionable or you need further directions to the site, please call the listed leader. We hope you can join us!